<h1 style=”text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1px;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><strong>Odinet Skin Care is</strong></span></h1>
<h1 style=”text-align: center; font-size: 145px; margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 20px;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><strong>OPEN</strong></span></h1>

<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”><strong>Beach and Sun Friendly Special!</strong></span></h2>

<h3><strong>Beach and Sun Friendly Special!</strong></h3>

Our new special includes the Dermaplane, Dermal Infusion, and Laser Genesis skin repair packages. Plus, you’ll receive a free ZO Getting Skin Ready<sup>™</sup> package! (At time of treatment while supplies last!)

The Beach and Sun Friendly Special is only $400.00 (<strong>You save over $100!</strong>) now until July 31st. Schedule an appointment or call us now to secure your spot!

<img class=”alignright wp-image-154 size-full” style=”margin-top: 20px;” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/beach-girl.jpg” alt=”” width=”484″ height=”586″ />


<li>Exfoliating for smoother skin</li>
<li>Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils</li>
<li>Provides deeper skin care product penetration</li>
<li>Improves Make-up application</li>


<h3>Dermal Infusion</h3>
<li>Improves hyperpigmentation, dark spots and sun damage</li>
<li>Infuses customized high quality serum</li>
<li>Tones and tightens skin texture</li>
<li>Minimizes pores</li>


<h3>Laser Genesis</h3>
<li>Sun friendly treatment (no downtime)</li>
<li>All skin types</li>
<li>Fades blemishes and scaring</li>
<li>Lightens visible vessels</li>
<li>Reduces age spots, fine lines and improves texture</li>
<li>Promotes collagen</li>


<h3>Get Your Body Back!</h3>
Contact us today at <a href=”tel:337.234.6050″>337-234-6050</a> or fill out the form below to get more information on how this surgery can benefit you!


<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>Another Happy Patient!</h2>

<h2><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Meet Dr. Odinet</span></h2>
<span style=”color: #ffffff;”><img class=”alignright wp-image-129 size-full” src=”https://kenodinetnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/odinet-profile-pic-1.png” alt=”” width=”216″ height=”271″ />Dr. Ken Odinet is an ASPS board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Odinet has always been up to date on all current trends and techniques throughout his career. He is currently the only plastic surgeon in Acadiana board certified in ear, nose, and throat (head and neck) surgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Odinet firmly believes patient education is key to obtaining the results which individuals expect from a cosmetic procedure.</span>

<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #45e8ff;”>Not every plastic surgeon is board certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Know your options and get the latest body contouring procedure with the least pain and best outcomes.</span></h2>

<h3 style=”text-align: center;”>Abdominoplasty
“Tummy Tuck”</h3>

A Tummy Tuck is a procedure designed for individuals who wish to restore a tight and contoured abdominal area. Dr. Odinet may tighten muscles in this area, excess loose skin and remove excess fat to ensure each patient has the highest-quality outcome. Dr. Odinet will usually perform this procedure under general anesthesia, and the surgery will sometimes require an overnight hospital stay.

<h3 style=”text-align: center;”>Body

If you have gained and lost significant amounts of weight, your skin may have been stretched so far that it lost its natural elasticity. In many cases patient who have undergone bariatric procedures such as gastric bypass or gastric banding are left with loose folds of excess skin may result on your arms, breasts, buttocks, hips, thighs, or abdomen. The body lift is often an ideal solution for people who do not want their new, slender figures to be hidden by loose, hanging skin.

<h3 style=”text-align: center;”>Mommy

While the experience of pregnancy changes your life in many beautiful ways, the changes that occur to your body aren’t always so desirable. The mommy makeover consists of a mix of procedures performed with the goal of restoring your body to its original appearance before pregnancy and breastfeeding.

<h2>Get Back the Body You Love.</h2>
<h3>Our body contouring solutions can help you achieve a smoother, more normal body appearance.</h3>

<h3>Contact us today at <a href=”tel:337.234.8648″>337-234-8648</a> or fill out the form below to get more information on how this surgery can benefit you!</h3>
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<h1><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Contact Us</span></h1>

  • <span style=”color: #ffffff;”>200 Beaullieu Dr., Suite 6</span>
    <span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Lafayette, LA 70508</span>

  • <span style=”color: #ffffff;”><a style=”color: #ffffff;” href=”tel:337.234.6050″>(337) 234-6050</a></span>
  • <span style=”color: #ffffff;”>(337) 233-0244</span>

  • <span style=”color: #ffffff;”><a style=”color: #ffffff;” href=”mailto:info@odinetskincare.com”>info@odinetskincare.com</a></span>

<h1 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #45e8ff;”>Our Location</span></h1>