A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat. This procedure is often sought by individuals who have loose, sagging skin as a result of weight loss, aging, or genetic factors. A thigh lift can help achieve firmer, more youthful-looking thighs with better contours. Here are several important aspects of a thigh lift:

Ideal Candidates

  • Individuals with excess soft tissue along the inner or outer thigh
  • People who have experienced significant weight loss and have stabilized their weight
  • Non-smokers, as smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications
  • Those with realistic expectations and a positive outlook

Procedure Types

  • Inner (Medial) Thigh Lift: Targets the inner thigh, often involving an incision in the groin area that may extend downward and wrap around the back of the thigh.
  • Outer (Lateral) Thigh Lift: More extensive and involves reshaping the entire thigh; the incision is generally made at the top of the leg, near the hip.

Procedure Steps

  • Consultation: Discussing goals, expectations, and potential risks with a plastic surgeon is crucial.
  • Anesthesia: Thigh lifts are performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
  • Incision: The pattern and length of the incisions depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as the surgeon’s best judgment for minimizing visible scars.
  • Removing excess skin and fat: After making the incisions, the surgeon may perform liposuction to remove excess fat, followed by the removal of excess skin.
  • Closing the incisions: The remaining skin is tightened and closed with sutures, often resulting in improved thigh contours.


  • Recovery time can vary, with most patients taking several weeks to resume normal activities. Strenuous activities should be avoided for a recommended period.
  • Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common but typically diminish over time. Compression garments may be recommended to aid in the reduction of swelling.
  • Follow-up visits are important for monitoring the healing process.

Risks and Complications

  • As with any surgical procedure, thigh lifts carry risks such as infection, bleeding, and complications from anesthesia.
  • Scarring is inevitable, but the scars can vary in size and visibility.
  • Other potential complications include asymmetry, changes in skin sensation, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic results.


  • The results of a thigh lift are visible almost immediately, but it may take several months for the final outcomes as the swelling subsides.
  • Although the results are generally long-lasting, maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle can contribute to the duration of the results.
  • Scarring is a significant consideration, and the quality of the scars can depend on individual healing processes and the surgeon’s technique.


A thigh lift can significantly enhance the appearance and contour of the thighs, leading to improved body confidence and comfort in clothing. Prospective patients should have realistic expectations and thoroughly discuss all aspects of the procedure, including potential risks and the recovery process, with a qualified plastic surgeon.